What Photography Has Taught Me About Life | National Photography Month

What Photography Has Taught Me About Life | National Photography Month

Happy May, everyone! How are you doing amid the COVID-19 pandemic? I hope that you and your loved ones are well and staying safe. While no one likes to be in lockdown, especially during spring when we should be outdoors, luckily there are plenty of things to do for entertainment.

Deals, Discounts and Free Offers to Stay Busy

Many companies are offering deals, discounts, and freebies in response to the outbreak. In addition to the host of free classes and activities listed in my previous blog post, popular streaming services like Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, HBO, and Hulu are offering free trials so you can watch your favorite movies or shows. Those who are missing the gym can get their daily dose of physical fitness through free workout videos online. What have you been doing to pass the time?

Making the Most of Time Spent Social Distancing

While no one looks forward to quarantine, it does present a great opportunity to acquire a new skill or pursue a new hobby. Now’s the time to do things you’ve always wanted to do, but never got around to doing.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy issued a stay-at-home order for nonessential workers at the end of March. I’ve been working from home full-time since. I’m grateful for the ability to work from home, but I miss the office. When I’m not working, I’ve been doing things I’ve wanted to do for some time but kept putting on the back burner. I bought a keyboard to relearn how to play, got started on an eBook, enrolled in an online poetry course, attended digital marketing webinars, and read more. I also took advantage of Nikon’s photography courses that they made free for the month of April to improve my knowledge and skills. Speaking of photography, did you know May is National Photography Month?

Recognizing the Importance of the Art Form that is Photography

Every month has special days, holidays, awareness weeks, and observances that last all month long. Since 1987, the month of May has been recognized as National Photography Month. This month we are reminded of the special role photography plays in our lives.

National Photography Month | Writing With Life In Mind
National Photography Month Quote | Writing With Life In Mind

You could say I’ve always had a personal interest in photography. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I became serious about it and, in 2018, my husband gifted me with a Nikon D3400 to hone my photography skills. My first digital camera was a Canon PowerShot S my mom bought me in (I believe) 2004. I can’t recall the exact one. While its capabilities don’t compare to my Nikon, it goes without saying that it was a huge step forward from the disposable cameras I relied on.

Nikon D3400 | Writing With Life In Mind

Cell phones have certainly upped their photo-taking abilities. You can capture some incredible pictures and videos, and conveniently edit them on your phone or use free editing apps. A mobile phone is a low-cost option to take photos and you can instantly share your pictures with others, too.

Sunflowers | Writing With Life In Mind
Johnson’s Corner Farm, 9/28/2019

The Advantages of DSLR Cameras

While cell phone photography has certainly made great strides, it’s hard to beat what a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) is capable of doing. With a DSLR you can determine how much light you want to let in, change the shutter speed, use a variety of different lenses, and you have full control over the depth of field. You can also shoot in RAW, which is the image exactly as captured without any of the settings you applied. You can use editing software to enhance them, as well.

The Nikon D3400 is a great camera for getting started with DSLR photography. With automatic exposure mode, the camera analyzes the scene and determines which settings are appropriate to take the best picture. Manual exposure mode gives you control over the aperture and shutter speed.

Sunset at Gloucester Fishermen’s Memorial in Gloucester, MA | Writing With Life In Mind
Sunset at Gloucester Fishermen’s Memorial in Gloucester, MA
Pretty backyard weed | Writing With Life In Mind

Appreciating Photography

I think it is safe to say that everyone appreciates photography, some maybe more than others. You don’t have to have a photography business or own a professional camera, either. Anywhere you go, people are taking photos with their phone or camera. You have probably been asked to take a photo for someone. We take pictures to capture special moments that we later reminisce about. These moments can’t be relived, but they can be remembered, and photos let us do just that. Photography is also a powerful tool to tell a story or share information.

Like any hobby, photography has taught me and reminded me of important life lessons that have impacted the way I look at life. Here’s what I have learned from photography since I became more serious about it within the past two years.

Why do you enjoy photography? What important things have you learned throughout your photography journey?

3 thoughts on “What Photography Has Taught Me About Life | National Photography Month

  1. Definitely agree with the social distancing. More time not only to indulge in the hobby but reflect too!

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