My Bucket List
As the popular and commonly used saying goes, “You only live once.” And while some may say it’s overused, others bring personal meaning to the phrase and recognize its significance. Try something new. Take chances. Expand your horizons. Explore, discover and learn.
With this being said, I decided to [finally] put together my bucket list. While some goals may seem like a far stretch, I plan to come as close as possible. Also, let it be noted that this is only the beginning of my bucket list and I plan to add to my list while also crossing off what I complete.
- Earn my Master’s degree
- Have my poems published
- Learn basic ASL (American Sign Language) signs
- Trace my family history
- Travel the country (Nashville, Las Vegas, Mount Rushmore, Hawaiian islands, Grand Canyon)
- Travel the world (London, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Australia)
- Go sky diving
- Learn to salsa
- Run [at least] a half marathon
- Take a bike tour through wine country
- Go parasailing
- Go horseback riding along the beach
- Take Jujitsu classes
- Take basic self-defense classes
- Learn to scuba dive
- Ride on a hot air balloon
- Island hop in the Caribbean
- Climb the Statue of Liberty
- Own a home
- Get married and start a family
Everyone has goals they want to accomplish in their lifetime. Create a bucket list and start reaching your goals while creating new ones.