Pit Bulls: Misunderstood and Mistreated

Pit Bulls: Misunderstood and Mistreated

Each month there is a commemorative dedication to an important cause set by different groups and organizations in an effort to bring about awareness and find a solution. While October is most commonly known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is also recognized as National Pit Bull Awareness Month. For those of us who own and love our pit bulls wholeheartedly,  October is a month that touches many proud pit bull owners and dog lovers deeply as these dogs are one of the most misunderstood and mistreated breeds.

The blame didn’t start with pit bulls
While today the pit is considered a dangerous and vicious dog, their bad rap was recently passed down to them. Prior to pit bulls being portrayed as brutal dogs, other types of dogs were viewed in the same light. In the 70’s, Dobermans were viewed as vicious; in the 80’s it was the German Shepherd and in the 90’s it was the Rottweiler. And now it’s the pit bull. When will irresponsible dog owners be blamed?

Pit bulls have a history of proving themselves as loving and friendly dogs

1. They served our country

Did you know that pit bulls did their duty in war? Yes, it’s true. They have a rich history of standing alongside our brave men and women in war. If they weren’t overseas, they were at home showing their support. During WWI, the pit was a military mascot and displayed on army recruitment posters. Check out the heroic things these pit bulls did.

2. They were known as “The Nanny Dog”

Many families with children in late 1800s and early 1900s had pit bulls, which made them the most popular breed of dog during that time. Parents specifically chose pit bulls to babysit and protect their children, in which they became known as “the nanny dog.”

3. They were and are owned by famous people

It’s hard to believe these dogs are so dangerous if they were and are owned by notable individuals. President Woodrow Wilson, President Theodore Roosevelt, Helen Keller, and Thomas Edison owned pit bulls. Did you know that today actresses Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, as well as Pittsburgh Steelers Linebacker Joey Porter, and TV personality Rachel Ray own pit bulls?

Unfortunately, today pit bulls are the most misunderstood and mistreated dogs. Due to irresponsible ownership, they suffer harm and neglect and many aren’t given a chance to show themselves as the loving and loyal dogs that they really are.

How you can help
– Get informed: This is one of the best and easiest ways to help any cause.
– Adopt a pit bull: Many pit bulls today are looking for a home with a loving family. Visit your nearest animal shelter.
– Volunteer: There are many animal shelters and orphanages looking for individuals to help care for dogs. This will help pit bulls become more familiar and comfortable with humans, and you can help train them.

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