Summer Vacation 2017: Nashville, TN

Summer Vacation 2017: Nashville, TN

Hi y’all! I am so happy to be writing this blog post since it’s about our recent trip to Nashville — another item off my bucket list, hooray! As most know, I am a HUGE country music fan. I love tailgating at concerts, hitting up local dive bars and listening to new and rising artists, cranking the radio and driving on backroads, and I have always admired the countryside.

Although Nashville is a super small city (I had no idea just how small until I visited), it has so much to offer, as does the local area. My husband and I went with my cousin and her husband and we stayed at a hotel in Franklin, about 30 minutes outside of the city. We certainly made the most of our 6-day, 5-night stay and I definitely plan on going back. Here’s a recap of what we did.

Hattie B’s

Fried chicken is inherently a Southern thing, but I can attest to it being highly popular in Jersey. People always look at me like I’m crazy when I say this, but it’s true…Brace yourself… I don’t really care for fried chicken. Now, it’s not that I won’t eat it; I will. I just don’t prefer it. But because we were in Tennesse, of course, I had to eat some southern fried chicken. And yes, it tasted delicious.

My husband and cousin-in-law both really like spicy food so they decided to try the “Shut the Cluck Up,” which is the highest level of spicy on the menu. They split one piece and judging by their facial expressions and fast reach for their drink after a few bites, it’s evidently very spicy. They both said the spiciness creeps up on you. I’m super sensitive to spicy food so I didn’t try any (even mild tends to set my mouth on fire).

Jack Daniel Distillery

Let me just say that I have a new appreciation for whiskey.

We went on a guided tour learning about Jack himself, how the whiskey is made, and what makes it unique.

At the end, we sampled 5 different types of Jack and that’s where my appreciation grew. The only time I drink whiskey is when taking a shot and in doing so I don’t get to actually taste the whiskey. But here you learn to really get your nose in the glass and take a whiff and rather than just swallowing it right away, you sip on it to savor the flavor.

Grand Ole Opry & The Solar Eclipse

Nashville was a prime location for perfect viewing of the solar eclipse. We decided to visit the Grand Ole Opry to tour the concert hall first and watch the eclipse after.

The Grande Ole Opry was nice to see but it’s a concert hall so nothing too special. I did like seeing the pictures of artists on the walls and checking out the rooms where artists get ready.

Afterward, we went outside and there was basically a huge outdoor party with a band on stage, food trucks, and people hanging out on the lawn waiting for the eclipse.

We purchased special glasses in advance. It was interesting to watch the moon make its way over the sun and completely cover it. It did get dark around 1:22 p.m., if I’m not mistaken. The crickets and other nighttime friends came out and the lights came on. It didn’t get completely dark – comparable to about 8 p.m. in Jersey on a summer night.

Country Music Hall of Fame

First thing I saw: Shania Twain: Rock This Country exhibit. Shania Twain is the reason I love country music. I started listening to her music when I was in fifth grade. She was bold, beautiful, and a brunette. Her music was fun and upbeat. I remember cranking her CD and rocking out to her music. Anyway, it was interesting reading about her career life and personal life, and seeing the different outfits she wore on stage – talk about a transformation from the 90s to today!

You learn a lot in the CMHOF. I read about country music way back in the 1800s and different singers and bands. We also had a chance to listen to music. I was truly fascinated and amazed at how well people could sign back when the technology we have today didn’t exist. As you continue through the tour, you learn about artists, bands, and performers throughout time and current artist. You also get to see the outfits they wore on stage.

You have to give yourself at least a good three hours to tour the entire place.

RCA Studio B

After the CMHOF, we hopped on a bus to RCA Studio B, a recording studio originally known as RCA Studios. A very small studio that reminded me of a high school music classroom. I loved the old feel and look to it, and learning about all the classic and famous singers who recorded there.

The Johnny Cash Museum

A museum all about the man in black.

I always admired his music but knew very little about him until I watched Walk the Line, which gives a chronicle of his life. As you go through the museum, you learn about every part of his life and how he rose to fame as a musician. Truly incredible.

Downtown Nashville & Printers Alley

After the museum, we headed over to Printers Alley, a famous alley in downtown Nashville and the center of Nashville’s nightlife. Lots of blues bars and we stopped at the Bourbon Street Blues And Boogie Bar to hear some local music and enjoy a drink.

We didn’t walk much through downtown Nashville since we were pretty beat from walking all day, but there are definitely lots of interesting bars and restaurants to check out.

Nashville was certainly a fun experience and I wish we had more time to explore more. A must-see for anyone. Have you visited Nashville? What places would you recommend?

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