National Nutrition Month: Healthy Eating Tips [Infographic]

National Nutrition Month: Healthy Eating Tips [Infographic]

Happy March! There are so many reasons to love the month of March. March brings with it warm(er) and sunny days, colorful flowers, and longer days, which means more time spent outdoors and less time spent indoors.

March is also recognized as National Nutrition Month.

About National Nutrition Month

Sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign celebrated every March. The campaign promotes the importance of making healthy food choices and practicing good eating and the significance of physical fitness. The theme for 2020 is Eat Right, Bite by Bite, and emphasizes that eating healthy doesn’t have to be restrictive or difficult. Making minor changes to your diet and establishing small goals can go a long way in setting up a healthy eating plan.

Check out the infographic below for some tips to help make healthy changes in your eating habits.

National Nutrition Month: Healthy Eating Tips

What tips or tricks do you have to make dieting healthier?

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