4 Reasons Why I Love Dr. Seuss

4 Reasons Why I Love Dr. Seuss

March 2 is the birthday of Theodore Seuss Geisel, an American children’s writer and illustrator who is most commonly known as Dr. Seuss. Today would be his 116th birthday. Children and adults alike admire Dr. Seuss for his creative and clever work. His books blend humor, poetry, and illustrations. His rhyming phrases and made-up words are perhaps what I love most.

His books are special to me for several reasons.

Sitting on My Mom Mom’s Lap While She Read to Me

One of my fondest childhood memories is sitting on my Grandmother’s lap while she read Dr. Seuss books to me. I shared a special relationship with my Grandmother so these memories I hold near and dear to my heart.

He’s a Big Part of the Reason Why I Enjoy Writing and Reading

Dr. Seuss is probably a big reason why I love writing (and reading, obviously). I remember thinking how awesome it was to rhyme words and I’d try to rhyme when I talked, although I don’t think I made much sense. It did, however, encourage me to write poetry in middle school. I wrote about my thoughts and feelings and anything going on in my life, good or bad, not realizing that poetry was my way of venting out my emotions. I kept my poems in a binder that I still have to this day. In high school, I took a poetry class where I learned how to sharpen my skills and learned about famous poets and how to analyze a poem. My poem, “Hold On” which I wrote in high school, was published in my college’s literary magazine, Creation Space. I entered my poem not knowing if my work was any good, but figured I’d take a chance. I was shocked and honored that they chose my poem. The poem is about my Grandmother, who, as I said above, I shared a close relationship with.

His Characters Stood Out

Another reason I love Dr. Seuss’ books is the unique cartoons and illustrations. He doesn’t use typical animals that you see in other children’s books. His stand out because they’re different and they’re humorous. They look different and have silly names, like Thing 1 and Thing 2. You distinctly remember these characters.

He Made Reading Fun and Easy

Lastly, his books are easy and fun to read. Reading to children can pose a bit challenging since they may lose focus, especially if the book is long. Dr. Seuss’ books are just the right length and the creative words and images keep children focused.

National Read Across America Day

Dr. Seuss’ birthday coincides with National Read Across America Day, a day to celebrate reading and bring awareness to its importance. Schools, libraries, and communities across the country participate by bringing together kids and books. It doesn’t need to be said that reading has many benefits. It boosts your knowledge, improves your focus and concentration, and can reduce stress, among many others. Understandably, life can get hectic and reading may be at the bottom of your list of priorities. But reading is important so make sure to find the time to read, even if it’s a little bit here and there.

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