10 Uplifting Quotes To Help You Cope After Loss

10 Uplifting Quotes To Help You Cope After Loss

Last month my father-in-law unexpectedly passed away. He was only 65.

Today is his birthday. He would be 66.

When we received the news, my heart sank and I was at a loss for words. He was really the only father figure I ever had. He loved me and treated me like his own. He was not only a great dad but an excellent grandfather, too. I’ll miss our Giants-Eagles rivalry games and his excitement when FaceTiming with his grandson. It hurts deeply that his grandsons won’t see him anymore.

They say there is no right way to grieve and that grief has no timeline. What I do know is that it wasn’t until we made it to the church, after the viewing and funeral services, that it really hit me. My father was no longer with us. I cried uncontrollably in the church while battling Jersey’s horrific spring allergies. That was my last goodbye to him. I will miss him so much.

Family and close friends came together afterwards for lunch at a nearby restaurant. My brother, who I call the the jokester, made a funny and truthful comment about a painting in the restaurant. The picture appears to have been set in the late 1800s/early 1900s. The black and white picture displays people dressed in wool jackets either walking on the sand or sitting in a horse and buggy on the sand. The people are fully covered in clothing and there are horse droppings all over. My brother rhetorically asked who thinks to put a picture of people on a beach wearing wool with horse shit everywhere. I laughed so hard I cried. I said to him that that is the type of comment that Dad would have laughed hard at.

Weirdly, I needed to hear my brother make that joke. It was a reminder to smile. Once I caught my breath after laughing so hard, I looked around, and there I was, surrounded by my supportive family and loving friends. It had been a hard week breaking the news to everyone and making funeral arraignments. And all of these people were there by our side to help in any way possible. I’ll never forget all the positive, inspirational, and uplifting words they sent our way to help us in this time of grief.

Words are powerful. They can influence you. In times of grief, positive words can help lift your spirits and give you strength. When times are rough, I turn to quotes to remind myself that whatever I’m going through, I’ll be OK. I turned to quotes to help me cope with my father-in-law’s passing. If you’ve recently lost a loved one or are coping with the loss of someone special, here are uplifting quotes to help you get through this difficult time.

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