10 Reasons to Visit National Parks

10 Reasons to Visit National Parks

Did you know that there are over 423 national park sites in the country? Of those, 63 are designated “national parks” by name. The elite group of protected areas, operated by the National Park Service that President Woodrow Wilson created in 1916, are often called “America’s best idea.”

Not until I moved out to Colorado, home to four national parks, did I begin to develop a curious fascination for these national treasures. While my home state, New Jersey, offers national park sites, there are no national parks. The closest national park to New Jersey is Acadia National Park in Maine. Maine is a beautiful state that everyone should visit. The state’s natural diversity is perfect for hikers of all experience, and the stunning stretch of sandy beaches offers coastal activities for everyone. Maine’s west, known as the Lakes & Mountains region is an enchanting place with charming towns and endless activities for the adventurous.

The first national park I visited was Rocky Mountain National Park. We visited not too long after first moving out here. The beauty of the high rugged mountains and alpine lakes instantly amazed me. My first impromptu sighting of wildlife -moose, elk, bighorn sheep, and deer – was a magical and memorable experience. I instantly fell in love and wanted to visit more parks, all of them.

Matt and I decided that at least once a year we will visit a national park. Within two years, we have visited eight: Rocky Mountain National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Wind Cave National Park,
and Badlands National Park. It’s crazy to think that since moving to Colorado I’ve traveled more in my two years living here than the thirty-plus years living in Jersey.

The national park I’m eager to visit next is Glacier National Park in Montana. Montana has long been a state that I want to visit because of its wide open space. New Jersey is a small state, and it’s overpopulated. I’ve always longed to live in a state that’s more open and more calm. Plus, Montana has breathtaking scenery and an abundance of wildlife. Hopefully, within the next year, I can cross Montana off my bucket list!

Whether you’re a city-dweller or natural nature-lover, or you’re always up for a new adventure, here are ten reasons to visit a national park.

What national parks have you visited? What tips or advice would you offer first-time visitors? Share with us in the comments!

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