Valuable Life Lessons Pool Can Teach Us

Valuable Life Lessons Pool Can Teach Us

Life is a continuous process of learning. I believe we unwittingly forget this far too frequently. You always learn something new, regardless of what you do, where you travel, or who you speak with. You still learned it, regardless of how big or how small or how applicable it is to you. Think about it.

This brings me to the purpose of this post. I made the decision to join the pool team my spouse was a member of in 2015. Why? I reasoned, “Why not?” I’ll admit that at first, I considered it more of a social activity. His team also needed players. I couldn’t wait to join the team and start playing. I realized how awful I was right away. When I was shooting, I started to feel anxious and my inner overthinker took over. With so many people watching me shoot, it was evident from the look on my face that I was anxious. If I made a mistake or absolutely missed a shot, I felt humiliated. Losing hurt because it meant I had let down my team. So many times, I wanted to give up.

Yet I kept on playing. I knew that this would require learning and practice. So, I kept playing, hopping off and on and few different teams. My game quickly got better. I still recall the first game I triumphed in and the first nine on the break. I was just playing nine ball at the time, not until recently did I play eight ball after I became part of a double jeopardy division.

With time, I came to see that pool is full of important life lessons, just like other sports and pastimes. Here are 10 of them that I found.

What hobby or interest of yours gave you insightful knowledge? Comment below!

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