13 Beautiful Fall Quotes to Celebrate the Season

13 Beautiful Fall Quotes to Celebrate the Season

Happy first day of fall, folks! There are so many reasons why I absolutely love fall. The cooler temperatures, the changing colors of the leaves, Crock Pot meals and warm pies, backyard bonfires with family and friends, pumpkin picking and other festivities, Eagles football…and the list goes on and on.

Fall is also the season of change and transition. It’s a friendly reminder that we should let go of things that are behind us and move forward. Fall shows us that change can be a beautiful thing and to embrace it. Now’s also the perfect time to slow down and reflect and be thankful.

In honor of the fall season, I created a list of quotes that sum up how many of us feel about fall, to get you excited about the new season, and to remind you that change can be a good thing. Enjoy!



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